Bipolar therapy is a growing option for treating bipolar disorders. Developed by two physicians, this bipolar therapy remedy based on family dynamics also makes sense, considering that the primary caregivers of patients with bipolar disorder often are at greater risk of acquiring the disorder or depression than the average population. It seems that those who suffer from bipolar disorder and are the primary caregiver are much more susceptible to depression and anxiety. As a result, they can be at greater risk for suicide. This article focuses on discussing some of the latest medications used in bipolar therapy to treat both depression and anxiety and bipolar disorder.
It has been well documented that those who receive proper medical care are much less likely to develop depression or become severely depressed. But, they do go through periods where they exhibit mixed feelings. In order to recognize when these mood swings could signal bipolar disorder symptoms, it is crucial to have a better understanding of the symptoms and triggers of the manic and depressive episodes.
Family dynamics can play a key role in bipolar therapy. Researchers have discovered that when an individual with bipolar disorder goes through bouts of depression and feels overwhelmed by grief and guilt, the illness may be triggered by the breakdown of a romantic relationship. It was not long ago that this was labeled as “chemistry”. Unfortunately, it often led to more family stress and family dysfunction.
Researchers are finding that when those who experience the mood swings and manic episodes do not receive timely intervention and treatment, it increases the likelihood that the person will eventually develop mental illness. This is because the medication used in the bipolar therapy may not prevent the mood swings from occurring and they may not provide the pre-stabilization necessary to prevent the recurrence of the attacks. The medication often does nothing to reduce the severity of the episodes, and in the long run, the individual begins to use the medication for symptom relief. This is why the pre-stabilization plan is so important.
Bipolar disorder is a very serious condition. There are various treatment options available today. Bipolar disorder can be treated with a combination of medication, counseling, therapy, and life-style changes. In order for an individual to be able to successfully treat their bipolar disorder, there must be early intervention and support for them to recognize the early warning symptoms.
If someone suffering from bipolar disorder goes through one episode of mania, it is important for their therapist to be aware of the triggers of mania so that he or she is prepared for the second episode. The first step is for the individual to notify their physician or mental health professional of their symptoms. It is also helpful if the physician can identify the possible cause of the mania so that they can create a treatment plan based on that information. Once the trigger(s) are identified, the therapist can begin to teach the client coping strategies and other methods that will help them during the depressive episodes. The most common medication used to treat bipolar disorder is mood stabilizers such as Lithium and Valproate.
Some patients choose to use an at home alternative to treating bipolar disorder with medication. This would include using prescription stimulants such as Ritalin to help them remain calm when having manic symptoms. Counseling is also often recommended for those patients who choose to use psychostimulants for treating bipolar symptoms. Counseling helps the patients learn to recognize the changes that may occur in themselves which may trigger a depressive episode.
Bipolar patients who choose to use an at home alternative to medication also need to be taught to recognize the symptoms of mania, which are typically mood swings. They also need to learn how to change their thought processes during their shifts from depression to mania. Therapy is a vital component to the recovery process and the earlier the therapists help the patient recognize the beginning stages of bipolar disease, the more successful the recovery is likely to be. If you or someone you know is suffering from bipolar disease, seeking out the services of a trained therapist and implementing the suggestions in this article can dramatically improve the quality of life.