Discussing Bipolar Therapy With Your Doctor

Bipolar therapy is the most common form of treatment for bipolar disorder, which is an unpredictable pattern of mood swings between depression and mania lasting approximately fourteen weeks in each cycle. Developed by two psychiatrists, this bipolar therapy remedy based on family dynamics makes perfect sense, taking into account that primary caregivers of people with bipolar disorder often are at greater risk of either developing the disorder or pre-existing depression or mania. The first step towards achieving success is identifying the triggers that cause the mania or depression symptoms. When they occur, the patient should then plan a course of action that will lessen or eliminate the recurrence of the symptoms. Often this can be accomplished by working with a qualified therapist who can help the client develop effective communication skills and devise strategies to deal with the symptoms of mania or depression.

Bipolar patients may exhibit specific symptoms related to the illness, including sleep problems, grandiose ideas, increased energy or decreased energy, racing thoughts, feelings of impending doom, irritability, racing thoughts, extreme optimism or hopelessness, and suicidal thoughts. It is not uncommon for bipolar patients to experience these feelings on a daily basis. When the mood disorders are persistent, and the episodes do not respond to therapeutic interventions, or the disease is present in another form such as cardiac disease or diabetes, suicide may be the best option. Before making a decision to take this path, those afflicted must discuss the options with their physician and determine if depression or mania is a symptom of the illness, or a warning sign.

Another type of bipolar disorder is called a mixed state. This is the condition when the manic episodes follow the depressive states. This “triggers” state does not necessarily have to equalize in intensity and duration, and sometimes, only one form of mood state is present during the individual’s lifetime. Some individuals do not have complete control over their mood states, while others can switch from one state to another as rapidly as they desire. Someone who has bipolar disorder and depression simultaneously is referred to as a mixed-state patient.

Bipolar disorder can be divided into two major subtypes. Rapid cycling bipolar illness is characterized by extreme highs followed by extreme lows with possible cycling between the two extremes. In this condition, the mood state that is achieved first usually returns to normal quickly. Cyclical depression occurs when the lows subside and a period of emotional stability is established. This condition is associated with higher recidivism rates and requires a tailored treatment plan for recidivating periods of mania or depression.

The third subtype of bipolar disorder is classified as mixed state bipolar disorder. This condition combines manic symptoms with depressive symptoms. This condition can have very mild manic episodes, but can then transition into very severe depression or hypomania. Those with this illness should receive the appropriate medical treatment in order to avoid the risk of serious health complications.

Bipolar disorder can be treated with various types of medications. These include mood stabilizers, anti-seizure medication, anti-psychotic medications, antidepressants and antipsychotic medications. Some patients will respond well to these medications, while others will not. It is important that a doctor determine the exact drug that is effective in treating the bipolar symptoms and the patient’s overall mental health. Sometimes mood stabilizers can lead to significant increases in depressive episodes, which should be discussed in detail with your doctor.

Treatment for hypomania can include antidepressant medications as well as lifestyle changes. Lifestyle changes can include a healthy diet and regular exercise. Proper diet and nutrition may also help to reduce the severity of depressive episodes and prevent hypomania from occurring. Exercise can improve energy levels and alleviate stress, which can help prevent depression from occurring as well. Avoiding risky behavior and avoiding situations that could trigger depression or mania are other ways of helping to control bipolar disorder.

Bipolar disorder is a serious illness that must be treated with an open mind and a willingness to cooperate with your mental health professional. This disorder can have a significant impact on your quality of life and the functioning of your daily life. Your treatment will be dependent on identifying the symptoms that you exhibit and how they relate to your particular diagnosis. Proper diagnosis is the first step in effectively treating bipolar symptoms. You do not have to live an unhappy life full of depression and mania.

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