Menthol is a tasteless and odorless substance that has been used for hundreds of years to treat a wide range of health problems. It was used as a medicinal treatment for coughs, colds, flu, sore throats and other maladies. The oil is derived from the root of the mentha tree, which grows wild in the Himalayan Mountains. It has recently become popular in the USA and other countries for the treatment of asthma, colic, sore throats, nausea and vomiting, and it is now being used to treat skin diseases such as eczema, herpes, and even nail fungus.

Mention was made recently in an American newspaper of an herbal tea called Menthol Illness Tea. This tea is used to relieve sinus problems, colds and flu symptoms, as well as to help treat ailments of the stomach and intestinal tract. Is this the new wonder tea? Or just another herb eaten and drank?

The manufacturers of the Menthol Illness Tea say it contains all natural ingredients. It has been shown to be effective in treating symptoms of chronic bronchitis, emphysema and chronic coughing, as well as improving the quality of breathing. It is claimed to be able to kill certain cancer cells without harming healthy cells. It has also been shown to improve lung function, and increase the flow of air in and out of the lungs.

Is it a miracle tea? And if so, how does it work? Are there any side effects? Can anyone benefit from Menthol Tea?

The tea is extracted from the root of the menthol plant. Mistletoe and laurel are sometimes included, but not always. When used as directed, it has been shown to increase the number of cells that are activated during cell division, increasing the number of oxygen-free cells in the bone marrow and the blood. It has been used in alternative medicine to treat everything from headaches, colds, flu and other illnesses to arthritis, skin problems and weight loss. Menthol is currently being studied for its anti-cancer properties.

Menthol illness therapy is not a cure, but rather a treatment using the herb to alleviate some of the symptoms of the disease. It may help to ease the discomfort of bronchitis or emphysema, or it may relieve the congestion caused by tuberculosis. It may even help to prevent the problems associated with many of the other respiratory problems that are associated with long periods of exposure to chemicals such as those found in motor vehicles. But, the effectiveness of Menthol Illness Tea is not known until doctors begin to use it to treat their patients, and then only in small doses.

Menthol tea has been approved for use in Germany and Switzerland and is available in stores where regular tea can be bought. It appears to be very safe for general use, although there are not enough studies to indicate whether there are any problems associated with use. It is important to remember that Menthol is a fragrance, and is a drug, just like any other. There may be interactions between Menthol and other medications or supplements. Before starting a course of treatment with Menthol, it is important to discuss the possible side effects with your doctor or pharmacist.

Menthol is a powerful herb, which provides health benefits in a diverse array of illnesses. It is often used to treat a wide range of conditions, but is not recommended for all. It is still being studied for its potential benefits. If you suffer from chronic illnesses or feel that your life is out of control, perhaps you should look into trying Menthol tea. It may be just what you need to get on with your life.

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