mental health websites Even if you don’t believe you are affected by mental health problems, we at The Phoenix encourage everyone on campus to fill out the survey.

Higher response rate will yield findings more representative of the state of the student body.

It going to be a long conversation on many topics, including the stress culture at Swarthmore and potential policy or institutional changes with regard to students’ mental health. It’s vital to have everyone’s voice heard. Now let me tell you something. Our goal we have to start a conversation. Now pay attention please. I am sure that the Phoenix has created a survey for students to fill out on the current state of their mental health. Besides, the survey consists of a few multiplechoice questions on topics like workload and social culture. You should take this seriously. Responses to the survey are completely anonymous, though students may choose to email The Phoenix at [email protected] if they wish to have a conversation about mental health.

mental health websites There’s isn’t without a price -and that price is the mountains of work that Swatties have to wade through on a daily basis and the sleepless nights spent completing assignments and readings. Through hard work and perseverance, our graduates have gone on to realize amazing careers and full lives. Loads of info can be found easily by going online. The results of the survey could change the way we at Swarthmore talk about mental health, and by extension change the way our campus deals with these problems.

Nothing will happen without strong student participation, that is why you taking the survey is so important. When that conversation begins, The Phoenix might be a part of it, actual recommendations for change are beyond the scope of this editorial. The Phoenix has received a few emails from individuals wishing to discuss their answers further. Whenever demonstrating that mental health is a significant issue on campus and something that Swatties care deeply about, the survey already has over 180 responses.

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