Why You May Be Worried About Your Health Anxiety

Health anxiety is a persistent and irrational fear of having an ailment diagnosed. This condition is often marked by an individual constant im..
Health anxiety is a persistent and irrational fear of having an ailment diagnosed. This condition is often marked by an individual constant im..
Many medical experts consider online therapy to be one of the best methods for curing health anxiety. It helps ill patients overcome fears of talking in front of a large group of people. Moreover, ill patients can enhance their interpersonal skills if ..
What is BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) therapy all about? Borderline Personality Disorder, as its name suggests, is a serious mental health condition that involves extreme emotional intensity and volatile outbursts. The incessant emotions that c..
Do you suffer from social anxiety disorder? You are not alone. The number of people who have this problem is very high. What many people do not realize is that social situations can actually be a good thing to those with the problem. If they were afrai..
Social anxiety disorder is a type of obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders that can have severe consequences for the people who suffer from it. People with social anxiety disorder may be painfully shy, painfully nervous around new people, and even oc..