That said, this ad had been matched to your interests. It was selected for you depending on your browsing activity. They have been considered crazy, possessed, or someone you needed to avoid. In the past, someone who behaved ‘differently’ was labeled as mentally ill. Doesn’t it sound familiar? We all express our ‘mental health’ in different ways. Over the years we’ve come to realize that many inventors, artists, scientists, musicians, athletes and actors suffer with mental illness. Basically, one in 4 adults was diagnosed with a mental health issue. Could it be 1 in 3, 1 in 2, or maybe all of us our dealing with mental health problems to some extent. Now look, the numbers are even lower, So in case we include the majority of the diagnosed and undiagnosed cases. Other people may experience responses that are somewhere in between relying upon the day or the event.

They may develop depression, anxiety, phobias, or eating, mood or sleep disorders.

With that said, this group is able to long period of time, chronic response. We all react to situations and events on a sliding scale. Quite a few people react with a minor, ‘shortterm’ response. With that said, it’s a reflection our mood, behavior, and thinking in response to stress and interactions with other people. Fact, simply stated, mental health is how we think, feel and act. Our mental health is part of us from the day we are born and can change over time. People dealing with mental illness should receive identical compassionate response. So there’s no shame in seeking help. You wouldn’t think any less of someone who developed cancer, heart disease, or diabetes.

Mental health problems shouldn’t be treated as a deep, dark family secret that nobody is supposed to talk about. We all know that you can improve your physical health with exercise and good nutrition. Did you know that the next time you think you are a single one dealing with mental health problems, look around you. Our behavior, thoughts, and reaction to life are things we all deal with on a daily basis. So here’s a question. Exactly how many people do you see compulsively checking their phones? You don’t need to be afraid of mental illness. Others require more aggressive treatment, while many people develop personal coping techniques. Look, there’s no shame in reaching out for help.

Go to and schedule a free ’30 45′ minute consultation or email us at [email protected]. Your Healthy Future Is Close!

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