October 3, 2015 By Fresh Hope For Mental Health Early on in Pastor Brad’s recovery his doctor insisted that he find a hobby.
He told Brad that it will help his brain heal and assist his recovery.
In this edition of Fresh Hope for Mental Health Pastor Brad humorouslyrecalls his hunt for a hobby. That said, brad set out to find one. In this edition of Fresh Hope for Mental Health, Pastor Brad Hoefs interviews Dr. Brian Lubberstedt who is a board certified child and adolescent psychiatrist. September 18, 2015 By Fresh Hope For Mental Health Being able to leave your past behind you is key to being able to move forward in recovery. Also, august 28, 2015 By Fresh Hope For Mental Health August 20, 2015 By Fresh Hope For Mental Health In this edition of Fresh Hope for Mental Health, Brad discusses the importance of moving toward something as opposed to moving away from something.
August 13, 2015 By Fresh Hope For Mental Health Many times when someone has a mental health issue it brings with it a lot of behaviors and ways of thinking that have damaged relationships.
How much regret is enough?
Once out of the heat of a manic episode or deep depression we many times have deep remorse for the pain that we have caused those around us. Essentially, while appropriate to take responsibly for our behavior our regret can also become toxic to us being able to move forward. Actually, the people who are for us, we end up hurting the very people we love. After listening to this podcast we encourage you to email us [email protected] a comment or question that we will share on our next podcast.you can leave a voice message for us on the site.
Pastor Brad Hoefs, host of Fresh Hope for Mental Health, is the founder of Fresh Hope Ministries, a network of Christian mental health support groups for those who have a diagnosis and their loved ones.