In consonance with an analysis of the 2015 Consumer Report Card on Health Insurance Carriers in Connecticut, at very similar time. From an average of 4 percent in 2013 to 20 dot 8 percent in 2014, issued by the state Insurance Department. It’s especially important for you to talk to your doctor, Therefore if your negative feelings don’t go away and are so strong that they keep you from enjoying life.
You may have what doctors call major depression.
Depression is a medical illness that can be treated with individualized counseling, medicine, or with both. Your body responds to the way you think, feel, and act. High blood pressure or a stomach ulcer might develop after a particularly stressful event, just like the death of a loved one. Oftentimes anxious or upset, your body tries to tell you that something ain’t right, when you are stressed. Basically the following can be physical signs that your emotional health is out of balance. So that’s often called the mind/body connection. Either way, you are protecting yourself against denial, and are increasing your EQ if they aren’t.
He will need to double check if other health problems aren’t causing your physical symptoms.
You and your doctor can address the emotional causes of your symptoms, if your symptoms aren’t caused by other health problems. Your doctor may suggest ways to treat your physical symptoms while you work together to improve your emotional health. Now please pay attention. Do this regularly! Anyways, reflect on your strengths, developmental opportunities, triggers, values, and stuff, that you are intimately familiar with what makes you tick, in order to increase your ‘self awareness’. Therefore the foundation of EQ is self awareness, as having a deep understanding of yourself provides you with more accurate perceptions of how you are coming across to others.
For resources, If you will like to know more about any specific mental illnesses, signs, and symptoms, contact Madison [email protected]>.
Mindfulness decreases the odds of your being unknowingly ‘high jacked’ by negative emotions.
Rather than having them blurred by the baggage of your assumptions, by learning to observe your thoughts and feelings without judgment, you can increase your awareness of them with more clarity. Essentially, the emotional component is mitigated, if we can calm our body’s reaction to our stress. That said, whenever concentrating on letting the air flow in and out of your abdominal cavity, when you feel tense, breathe slowly and deeply. Make sure you scratch a comment about it in the comment box. Nip your body’s stress in the bud, and you’ll find that your emotional stress will decrease accordingly.