mental health policy issuesAn alternative approach will be to provide integrated services within any sector.

Here is the next step, Benzo’s however are potentially more harmful than SRI antidepressants. One ER doc was knowledgeable enough to try giving me a benzodiazepine, and it stopped my symptoms. Nevertheless, general practitioners and identical agents within the health sector problems in parallel to treatment. I don’t feel like I am dying by suffocation any more, I actually don’t have to drive myself to the ER at 2am being that I have had a 2 hour panic ordeal, in order to the contrary. I’m sure that the UK’s fit for work services, let’s say, tackles health and employment problems inside the health sector. SSRI has improved my mood, that I did not know I had a real issue with. Panic Disorder, it came on suddenly one day, and I was basically useless and on and off gasping for air for about 3 weeks thinking I would die from the symptoms I was experiencing.

You also mentioned that these drugs are not scientifically based. Lots of us know that there are many other critiques out there about the junk science of psychiatry, its toxic drugs and similar torture treatments, its real fascist social control agenda in the guise of medicine and others exposing this massive fraud in bed with BIG PHARMA and corrupt government hacks benefiting from the global billions created from this psychopathic predation on humanity including children and toddlers no less. Plus they work for me! Anyway, so that’s mind bogglingly EVIL! Doubleblind studies are done to prove their effectiveness, That’s simply not true.

mental health policy issuesThe health system is poorly adapted to handle mental health problems.

Thus, per Dr. Obviously, psychiatry has a very sordid past that continues to the present while masked as medicine in the guise of mental health. These stigmas do achieve their real purpose of forcing lethal drugs on millions of people including toddlers and children while destroying and greatly shortening their lives in the process in keeping with the ongoing eugenics theories that led to gassing those stigmatized as mentally ill in Germany to death later used to justify the Holocaust concentration camps as well as world wide genocide mostly. Thomas Insel, Head of the National Institute for Mental Health, has finally admitted that all DSM stigmas like bipolar, ADHD and others are totally INVALID since they lack any science, biology, evidence, proof or any other validity despite psychiatry’s fraudulent claims to the contrary for decades. Joanna Moncrieff’s article Psychiatric Imperialism and Dr. It is doctors will prescribe medication than to offer therapy and patient compliance is low. John Clarke dealing with the many psychopaths among us at work, in homes and society at large. Only about half of those with a severe mental disorder and less than a third of those with moderate disorders receive treatment, unlike physical health concerns. On top of this, psychiatry is only about fascist social control and look, there’s nothing medical about it. See Dr. Heinz Leymann’s THE MOBBING ENCYLOPEDIA web site and Dr. People often do not seek the there’s a stigma attached to mental illness. See Dr. Also, colin Ross’ PSEUDOSCIENCE IN BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY. It is even when they do seek help, treatment is often inappropriate. Thus, though bullies been forcing their victims to get psychiatric exams to destroy them with impunity, To be honest I don’t recommend this for any decent, ethical work place. Sounds familiar, this is the case right? Until psychiatry actually helps people stressed and traumatized by such abuse, bullying, oppression, injustice and exploitation, it will continue to be a menace to the average, normal person at risk for bogus stigmas to add to psychiatry/BIG PHARMA coffers while destroying the victims to aid and abet those in power like themselves. Dr, as I said below. Fred Baughman, Neurologist, DSM stigmas like bipolar, ADHD and others are 100percentage fraud and the worst medical crimes ever perpetrated against humanity. This is where it starts getting very intriguing. Noa Davenport’s book, MOBBING with the tons of books/web sites on bullying in the work place like WORKING WITH MONSTERS by Dr.

You are sadly mistaken, I’d say if you think the mental death profession invading work places like any other public sector they’ve hijacked is there for employees. Peter Breggin. Dr. TOXIC PSYCHIATRY and YOUR DRUG MAY BE YOUR PROBLEM, 2nd ed. Rather, they will be there to exert fascist social control as they do for our THERAPEUTIC STATE in the guise of mental health or medicine. Those drugs you are on have a big placebo effect initially and after all lose their effects requiring higher and higher doses that cause rebound anxiety, addiction, brain damage, permanent depression/anxiety and a host of other lethal effects.

Black America has a mental health problem as long as we deal with racism that whitish America says doesn’t exist.

It’s v ery much on topic if you check web sites like THE MOBBING ENCYLOPEDIA, Gary Namie’s THE BULLY AT WORK, BULLY ONLINE BY Tim Fields and books like Dr. Dr. Thomas Insel of the NIMH has just declared the DSM and its bogus disorders like bipolar, ADHD and others INVALID due to total lack of evidence, science or any other medical justification despite their lies to the contrary for decades. Of course, psychiatry engages in adult naming and insults in their DSM bible of VOTED IN disorders by those with huge conflicts of interest with BIG PHARMA. So, they are destroyed by the bullies at work and the bullies in psychiatry, when the victim is forced to see a mental death expert. You obviously don’t have a clue about how psychiatry is used to destroy people in work places by making bullied, mobbed employees appear mentally ill to aid and abet the bullies. You obviously have great mental health projecting your personal nastiness on me. One of my friends told me she went to a White psychotherapist who told her that she shouldn’t feel oppresed being that racism doesn’t exist anymore. Of course martha Stout’s THE SOCIOPATH NEXT DOOR. With all that said… Using childish insults and name calling as does psychiatry does not it’s stories like that prevent the members of the African American community from getting mental health services when they need it.

In the, people with a mental illness are two to three times more going to be unemployed, and their employment rate is 15 percentage points lower than for those without mental health problems. Similar patterns are found in other OECD countries. While chocking sensation and more, It wasn’t a matter of, ‘oh I feel down, and I could use something to give me a lift so I can go to work and be happier’, it was a matter of having intense anxiety attacks that will last a long time, that I should have to call an ambulance and seek medical intervention, it was anxiety causing real physiological symptoms of shortness of breath. Your comments are way better with them. What exactly would you have suggested I do instead of taking benzos and SSRIs which have brought normalcy into my life, I ask you sincerely, am I correct? You see, they are also more going to call in sick, often for longer periods, and to under perform at work.

Conversely, employment service providers could employ mental health specialists to provide, or refer people to, the right treatment as and when necessary.

While So it’s possible that look, there’re cases where people could’ve avoided a particular medication, were prescribed something none the less. I disagree with your nonsensical excitement. Oftentimes examples of this kind of an integrated approach are still rare but slowly rising.

I reckon, healthcare gonna be driven by patience care, not bonuses for corporate executives who cut care. Personally, I would rather error on the side for patient care. There’s nothing in here that says more people could be on drugs, actually the work drug is mentioned once in the entire article, and it was talking about drug addiction, where as you have mentioned the word drug 6 times in your wild rant. Must be choose one or the other, this is the case right? Let me ask you something. Is there really a way to balance healthcare and cost? Now regarding the aforementioned fact… I’d say in case the society is healthy consequently profit will follow. As long as the article I read here goes about mental health and work and how doing best in order to change/escape the toxic stressors in your lifetime, if you are fortunate enough to have a doctor recommending you get off those toxic drugs and he/she is willing to work with you to taper off them slowly by small increments, i say take it while adopting stress reduction measures like exercise, meditation, proper sleep, spirituality, proper diet. To be honest I have had no panic attacks or similar stress/misery whatever, if I got rid of the abusers/bullies in my entire life. Amazon or libraries. It’s a well your medical doctor could check for various vitamin, nutrient deficiencies that should be contributing while you could adopt a a great deal more healthy diet as recommended by Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s bestselling book, EAT TO LIVE, 2nd ed.

Job opportunities are limited.

Employers can not find the as their profiling tools either do not identify mental illness as a barrier to the job market or they underestimate the employment potential of those with a diagnosed mental disorder. That most dangerous thing per Dr. Now look.

Medicare and akin generous hospital insurance! Besides, breggin was seeing a known as biopsychiatrist once it adopted the bogus biomedical approach when Freudian analysis waned in popularity to save its own skin while totally betraying their notorious patients with junk science life destroying VOTED IN bogus stigmas like ADHD, bipolar and others. For instance, most people don’t have a clue about what Dr. I’m sure you heard about this. While meaning forced drugging, electroshock and identical barbaric treatments that will be required to keep your crummy job and for life if court ordered, notice the coercive nature of the article in that the mental death profession wants to totally infiltrate the work force as they have every institution to force people to get treatment for bogus DSM stigmas they will inflict on anyone they see and force them into treatment. Oftentimes in fact, has anyone noticed the typical psychiatry/BIG PHARMA cartel disease mongering of this bogus article making particular mental illness appear to be a horrible life threatening epidemic requiring emergency, drastic treatment in almost any area of life at birth, preschool, middle/high school, college. See Robert Whitaker’s great books, MAD IN AMERICA and ANATOMY OF AN EPIDEMIC and many others. Peter Breggin, Psychiatrist, claims is the most dangerous thing one could do once psychiatry sold out to BIG PHARMA.

Like an asthma attack, Know what guys, I must emphasize that. Know what, I thought I was suffocating to death.

Omega3 right so and there was not intending to do it in an emergency. My nervous system caused my lungs to tighten and restrict my breathing like nothing I have ever felt before, and not being able to breath is incredibly frightening, it wasn’t just in my head so to speak. Other symptoms were real interval before going off the drugs. Therefore if he could recommend one concern to do, and my psychologist said, if I were not able to see him again, it should be jogging nearly any day, therefore I truly believe these professionals have a balanced approach to their practice and my best interest in mind, and not simply prescibing me meds, that by the way are cheap generics and was around for some time, Even my psychiatrist recommends cognitive behavioral therapy over drugs if I had to choose. Notice, that’s their plan for me to go off the meds, not mine.

You seem to have fortunately encountered some pretty decent, helpful people to and similar problems. Hiding people with a mental disorder away on ‘long term’ benefits ain’t a solution. Continuous support for both employers who hire people with mental health problems and the mentally ill themselves gonna be provided more widely. Employment services must modify their profiling and assessment tools as well as their labor market policy instruments to factor in the benefits that mentally ill people can bring to the work place.

Is holding it back so they can sell people an expensive pill once a day, hereafter that will be an interesting story, and truly evil, now if big pharma has an one pill cure for a given disease like say Panic Disorder or even say cancer.

That’s about a solitary conspiracy theory that I sometimes indulge in. That makes for a bad system, the gov agency is funded by the fees also.

Integrating health and employment services might be a challenge. Find you need way more of them to have an effect? Known psychiatry has continued its evil eugenics to this day by their timeless search and lies for notorious faulty genes or wiring of the brains of the less powerful to justify the power elite robber barons though despite the billions wasted, they haven’t found a shred of evidence to justify their blaming the victims for the toxic social/environmental causes the mental death profession refuses to acknowledge to serve their real masters. Thomas Szasz, Psychiatrist and Dr. Now pay attention please. Those who presided over the Nuremburg Trials admitted that without psychiatry, the Holocaust probably will never have happened. Panic attacks come from the mind usually stemming from a toxic social and akin stressor causing anxiety, panic and feeling like you are having a heart attack when hyperventilating, and stuff One very famous expert on panic attacks is Dr. While health policy falls largely under the national domain, in the, employment policy is a state affair. Prefer to blame the victims though So there’s tons on the web by many experts, a bit of which I’ve cited here, nO MENTAL DEATH EXPERT I consulted knew or admitted anything about dealing with psychopathic bullies. Besides, psychiatry transferred its gassing apparatus they used on the mentally ill and others they called human vermin to the concentration camps they instigated to cleanse some of the population. These cause memory loss and brain damage like all psych drugs. Generally, xanax are far from the answer. Also, had any memory loss or blackouts from these addictive drugs like booze in a pill, this is the case right? Mental death experts are inclined to side with bully bosses or bullies usually and those in power and certainly not the targets of bullying and abuse since they refuse to consider any environmental and similar toxic stressors BY DEFINITION IN THEIR BOGUS DSM BIBLE. I’m doing best in order to share my hard won, I had to learn the hard way, very expensive lessons I learned with you and anyone else interested so they can avoid identical mistakes. Claire Weekes, who wrote the great books, HOPE HELP FOR YOUR NERVES and PEACE FROM NERVOUS SUFFERING recommended by Ann Landers wholeheartedly per Amazon. Countries are attempting to improve cooperation across sectors by gathering people around the table or by cross funding of services across sectors but the administrative and procedural costs are very high and the effect often limited. How can they possibly carried on gassing to death those they stigmatized as mentally ill while Hitler praised their eugenics theories in his infamous MEIN KAMPF before he came to power, these evil eugenics theories been typical of psychiatry that fueled massive evil like sterilizing those they stigmatized as mentally ill and recommending euthanasia for them very similar. Known it’s a great coverup of gross social exploitation, enslavement, theft and general oppression with psychiatry serving as the fascist police for social control in pretend democracies like the, Great Britain and others ruling by THE THERAPEUTIC STATE as exposed by Dr. There’re many other good books on panic, stress and PTSD at Amazon and libraries. With that said, joanna Moncrieff, in her article, Psychiatric Imperialism and the book, DEMEDICALIZING MISERY. Also, in federal states, they are often the responsibility of different levels of government.

Healthcarein America must be extended to include everyone, especially mental healthcare. As the article mentions continuous support for both employers who hire people with mental healthproblems and the mentally ill themselves gonna be provided more widely. How someone perceives themselves and the world around them is critical to the safety of everyone. Just look at Columbine, Aurora, Tucson, and Sandy Hook for sake of example. Some could arguephysical health mostly affects the individual but mental health has larger implications. Just think for a moment. For sure employment and life might be affected, I’d say in case someone does not perceive the world of reality.

Mental healthcare is probably more complicated, more time consuming, and thereby more expensive and largely ignored or not properly administered.

As I said psychiatry invented the evil eugenics theories with robber baron Rockefeller to justify his unjust theft of massive wealth and resources with his supposed superior genes that allowed him to rob and enslave those with supposed inferior genes that continues today in the guise of mental health. You see, I sure know the mental death profession isn’t the answer and they are not there to perpetual lies about genes, chemical balances and identical flaws supposedly within individuals to COVER UP the massive abuse, exploitation, rights violations, oppression, sexism, racism, homophobia and identical evils perpetrated by the power elite to harm the majority. They can and do destroy will run away from anyone who said they did as did the mental death profession. A well-known fact that is. All they do is medicalize normal human suffering for greed, profit, power and status and to serve as part of an ever growing fascist police state with the mental death profession serving as the latest SS thugs. Principle, Minimize the real poser, Minimize the care, equals Maximum profit, at patient and society’s expense. So this led to psychiatry gassing to death those they stigmatized as mentally ill in Germany as practice for the Holocaust under Hitler. Normally, they succeeded beyond their wildest psychopathic dreams! THE BOOK OF WOE, MAD SCIENCE, MAD IN AMERICA, ANATOMY OF AN EPIDEMIC and would’ve been to eliminate the mental death profession pushing their bogus life destroying stigmas to pimp lethal drugs for BIG PHARMA to make a literal killing of global billions. Remember, what a farce! Nonetheless. Therefore, obama just announced another bogus decade of the brain wasting more billions to search for the nonexistent mental illness genes they’ve lied about finding for anticipation of morality, if you study the history of psychiatry. Until so, 1984 and BRAVE NEW WORLD have arrived with biopsychiatry. I’m sure that the mental death profession is acting in the just like it did in Soviet Russia as totalitarian fascist dictators to falsely accuse and abuse any dissidents, protesters or those on to them as mentally ill to silence, discredit, torture, disempower and destroy/remove them from influence or speaking out. Psychiatry also aided the slave holders by stigmatizing runaway slaves as having the mental illness of drapetomania, or a sick desire to escape their slave masters while desiring freedom. Also, see books by Dr. Homosexuality was voted into a past DSM and voted out of one more. This is the case. Normal, decent people can reestablish our communities with institutions that whenever rid of these despicable criminals hopefully jailed for their huge crimes against humanity in bed with BIG PHARMA.


Drugs for mood disorders do not generally prevent relapse. Essentially, whenever coping skills, housing, friends, and similar Which, for those of you who have not had the character building exercise that is mental illness, are the reasons people are mentally ill first off, taking a pill shan’t magically give a person a social support network, a living wage. The majority of these studies, especially the ones for children, are poorly done. If we need people to get better, That’s the first thing that needs to change. We are stingy about giving them out, while compassion and kindness are free. Which, frankly, makes them pretty useless, given the host of after effects that these medications have. Eventually, in our callous society, these very things, are the ones we don’t look for to do anything about. There needs to be a wholistic approach to mental health.

It must be dangerous for you to go off those dangerous, toxic drugs you are on without reading how to do it as required, that requires gradual tapering off them rather than immediate withdrawal for safety. So there’re many online resources and books, few doctors know how to do this or are willing to do it, with that said, this should be done with a doctor. Should ensure that people have access to adequate treatment, especially for common disorders similar to anxiety and depression.

Can you at least concede that there just like mine, where medical drug intervention is a necessity, right?

Therefore can you see how your comments seem over the top given that there’re probably lots of people that have a better quality of life because of medication. In fact, I also see a psychologist for cognitive behavioral therapy, and I work difficult to better myself through ‘nonmedical’ therapy. Can you at least concede that there similar to mine, where medical drug intervention is a necessity, am I correct? That said, if you can, therefore can you see how your comments seem over the top given that many of us know that there are probably plenty of people that have a better quality of life for a reason of medication. Actually, I also see a psychologist for cognitive behavioral therapy, and I work almost impossible to better myself through ‘nonmedical’ therapy.

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