Dissonance is aroused when people are confronted with information that is inconsistent with their beliefs.

Even reading was affected -I went from someone who could read a Stephen King book in a day to someone who could only manage a few pages. Generally, the dissonance can result in misperception or rejection or information refutation, seeking support from others who share the beliefs, and attempting to persuade others to restore consonance, if the dissonance ain’t reduced by changing one’s belief. For example, pS I like my fruitcake with nuts, a lot of nuts. I want to ask you something. What ya think? Actually, sure -I spent many hours playing ‘Party Poker’ -but my PC time was not taking any place activity, and did not disturb the slumber of my husband or daughter. Bless you doc In my early days MS, the internet was a sanity saver. My best hours were the quiet ones in the night middle.

While messing up their education, losing direction in living, returning home to live with parents because real life is just o difficult, even when real life is easily obtainable, young men actually are being hobbled in droves by the nearly endless hours pasted in front of a video screen.

The delta between the sexes now -combat video games have more appeal to male competitive character, sucks them into a virtual world that their young minds simply are unable to fully comprehend as being unreal, it is real for them. Real competition and real challenges that engender real consequences and real pain is beyond their capability, have no real skill set to draw upon and so they withdraw to their dark little bedrooms locked into fantasy where they are king at no cost to themselves.

My wife is African and she always comment how she missed Africa communal spirit. They manufacture a glamorous online self, which is easy enough to do in this era of avatars and passwords. It’s a kind of reinvention, a fantasy world that some find preferable to who they really are, and all the psychobabble and drugs on earth won’t change that, This isn’tain’tain’t addiction. Nevertheless, they are hopelessly inept with face to face socializing, they are good with words and computers and often rattle endlessly on blogs. Neighbors and family are always interacting and looking out for each other. The internet is an ideal ol for escapism. So, olushola Your first paragraph hits on something that hasn’t really been addressed here. Nevertheless, families live together. Also, in America it’s easy to hide abnormal behavior until it manifests into something bad, In this environment type it is very difficult to hid abnormal behavior. They just happen to be the wallflowers, ‘non joiners’, and world dropouts, There isn’tain’tis not necessarily anything mentally or physically wrong with such individuals.

There appears to be a complete disconnect and fact negation, that many on planet earth are hopelessly impoverished, dying of ill health, and are being systematically poisoned by an economic system, which has no mercy or sense of empathy for their plight.

What I’m worried about is that these popularity games shows where we are at in terms of brain activity as a society. They bring a bit of that back to the real world, when you have children spending their fantasy time in hell. Oftentimes we only lerate violence kind taking place in this world b/c we’ve been desensitized by movies, music video games from the very beginning. Ok, and now one of the most important parts. Friends think I’m weird b/c I will only play sports games, and have never uched most of the realistic shooting or fighting games. Essentially video games communicate violence, pain, revenge, and most importantly, WAR/battles. Prop37 movement in California, and I applaud and respect those efforts. Besides, who controls that economic system more than the purchasing powers and investment middle strategies class?

With the purpose being to develop the best empiricallybased set of symptoms to characterize anyone with bereavement related disorders, the DSM5″ also proposes further study for ersistent Complex Bereavement Disorder, these all sound like normal reactions following a loved death one. Close to 5 million Americans die each year, and those number experiencing grief thus is far higher. This is the market the pharmaceutical industry stands to gain, thanks to the APA’s trigger happy attitude wheneverit gets to labeling normal human emotions as psychiatric disorders.

Each of these new diseases gets added to the DSM next edition if enough people show up with those traits.

The phenomenon is dubbed a disease, if it does. Also, it is often the case that the newest mental health disorders are also those that happen to create the largest new drug markets. Also, increasingly, the criteria for inclusion involves whether or not the disorder responds to a category of drugs. The potential treatment market forInternet use disorderis huge, millions of Americans. Use the Internet on a daily basis, many for hours on end.

I am not sure this qualifies as addiction, pC or I was without internet access. In about 20 years they will pay the price with health issues that going to be labeled as caused by surely not GMOs. With Prop 37 not passing they can continue to eat unhealthy food and not be diagnosed with orthorexia. -I am a little more physically active during the day. Essentially, as a Californian that worked many hours to pass Prop 37 I am saddened to see unhealthy flocks folks flooding the Safeway store and loading up on GMO crap. Very sad indeed. Californians can breathe a sigh of relief. I can once again read or watch a movie, the chronic fatigue has lifted somewhat.

In a crowded, fearful world, children are ld to go nowhere, do nothing and be quiet. Oftentimes they came out pretty good, and report that their peers don’t always understand them. ADD and other odd Dx’s is just to be expected. Have you heard of something like that before? It was predicted decades ago as rat in a cage syndrome. Can you imagine the libs and CDS throwing parents in jail if they did that today. For example, my Dad could go spend summer at the lake with a fishing rod and a gun as long as he made it back for school. They certainly aren’t fat or ADD. You can find a lot more information about it on this site. Electronic playtoys are a cheap babysitter and a poor excuse for parents.

DSM here.

Citizens Commission for Human Rights also has hundreds of other documentaries on psychiatry. People think it is based on research, the DSM is such a scam. There’s a lot more info about this stuff on this site. I suggest giving EFT a try, if you suspect you have a real problem. Without needles invasiveness, eFT is a sort of psychological acupressure, based on really similar energy meridians used in traditional acupuncture to treat physical and emotional ailments for over 5000 years. Instead, simple tapping with the fingertips is used to input kinetic energy onto specific meridians on the head and chest while you think about your specific problem -whether it is a traumatic event, an addiction, pain, etc -and voice positive affirmations. Usually, they are all very well done. That org has put many shrinks in jail for crimes.

Who Really Needs Their Heads Examined?

People have an innate need to feel distinquished, adored, and praised. Greetings -the article makes me reflect on those parts of psychiatry which statistically can be termed occupational hazards -we know that a psychiatrists greater part work load is dealing with emotional crises such as the patients feeling sad, or depressed or introvertedly diseased and unbalanced -is their a link between their work and the fact that psychiatrists are the most likely of all the medical specializations to commit suicide or become drug addicts themselves? The internet provides a good haven for withdrawal. This is where it starts getting interestinginteresting. Or they become withfrawn into an artificial world, When they don’t get this, they begin to develop behavioral issues to attract attention.

If only the medical profession concentrated on finding/treating problems root as much as they focus on finding/treating the symptoms.

Alright you dipshits that came up with this new mental disorder. Move to a cabin off the grid with no TV, no phone and stay one year including a winter and if you are on the internet less then I am then I’ll endorse your new horse diagnosis. Now let me tell you something. More profitable for mankind as a whole, not as profitable, I know.

I’ll wear my label proudly, if an admiration for Barbara Ehrenreich makes me a socialist/communst. Her message is thoughtful and perceptive. You bet she’s openly critical of corporate fascist ideals, as these ideals have become enforced maxims in our corporate ‘culture’ rather than ideological suppositions subject to further scrutiny. Openly critical of corporate fascist values. Nickel and Dimed, and I see she has another one out that I’d like to add to my Must Read list. Hello Islander. Anyways, this Land Is Their Land. Tally love the way she approaches various political and social subjects with humor and wry candor, Ehrenreich’s work. Reports from a Divided Nation. It is ms.

Humans are creatures of habit.

People even stay in bad relationships because they become routine. Not a physical withdrawal as with some drugs like caffeine and sugar but an emotional one. How many times do we hear it repeated that saturated fat and cholesterol will kill you? Mercola. Instead of passively allowing the manipulated messages to control the way you think, That’s the only way they can think of to deal with people who are curious enough to search for real information. It’s hard to break old habit’s keep you mitts off my computer, as the saying goes. We get in doing habit anything and it is taken away we will get a withdrawal type. Consequently, the internet is the only thing we have for instantly communicating with a large audience, that is NOT controlled by profiteering interests. We don’t like our routines disrupted. Now regarding the aforementioned fact. It is therefore understandable that the establishment will try any method possible to control internet use, either through censorship or by administering drugs for a ‘made up’ medical condition. Considering the above said. To those of us with a brain and the ability to do our own research, this is obviously nonsense. Notice, tV, magazines, and even movies are all manipulated via various means to make sure they are all on message with the industry that is profitting from bad circulation information.

Getting back to Internet pic addiction, it’s quite possible to overdo your time spent online. For starters, they have no known measurable biological imbalances to correct -unlike other drugs that can measurably alter levels of blood sugar, cholesterol and so on. Psychotropic drugs are not likely to give you the solution you’re after. That is interesting right? Superior National forest.

They wind up effectively functioning Asperger’s Syndrome, can’t relate to others, can’t communicate properly, lose interest in anything that doesn’t involve video gaming. The common response to a simple question -How are you doing? It is appalling.

It’s called unplug the TV and shut off the internet!

People seem to think this means you have a bunch of friends but really you hardly see anyone individually and that worries me. It’s o easy to say sorry for doing something rude and hurtful without having to look the person in the eye. It’s o easy to pretend others don’t exist. Eventually, many are losing their ability to relate individually. Nonetheless, it really isn’tain’twas not about the machines themselves it’s about the accepting that it is preferable to have relationships online instead of personally.

Certainly, some may have a legitimate problem with spending o much time online, in similar way that people become addicted to gambling, television. This process alone will take hundreds of years of intense dedication to a survivable world. Companies that produce unnecessary and dangerous electronic equipment need to be forcibly put out of business. Needless to say, consumers need to grow up, and stop using technology as some kids plaything. It’s quite possible to become addicted to virtually anything if it is used to the spot where it interferes with other facts of your life and puts your health, financial stability or relationships at risk. The cumulative environmental damage spawned by several generations of electronic addicts, will need to be cleaned up.

People on facebook seem to think that quips, quotes and photos will do in place of intimate individually friendships and meetings.

Maybe you could check this out. Barbara Ehrenreich, and she offers some very interesting conclusions. Machines seem to have made it o easy to feel like you have your friends around you when in fact you never get together.

That’s only a small true part situation, most folks are programmed ward the simplistic notion that it’s these content games that drives these behavioral shifts.

These behavioral shifts involve biochemical changes in frontal lobe functions, wherein cognitive and executive activities are altered by the presence or excitations produced by electromagnetic field effects. a few of these functional shifts become permanent, and also drive further addictive behaviors. This phenomona has been proven in brain glucose studies, in which different brain areas begin metabolizing glucose at a relatively higher rate, indicating where activity is taking place in mental processing.

Recommending it for further study puts it squarely on the psychiatric radar, which means it’s likely to be bumped up to an actual mental health disorder very soon, while you won’t be able to be diagnosed with Internet use disorder just yet. One more thing that was in the documentary on DSM. Two being minutes with a patient and then out comes the prescription pad. Actually, they had footage of a shrink talking at a meeting. Basically, he said that the average diagnosis ok only two minutes. Of course, the intention could be to keep the patient for life.

You’ll soon find out quite a few the folks here are programmed as upper middle class urban yuppies, and are in deep denial regarding optimal economic realities health, if you’re new to the Mercola site.

Good luck to ya. Flesh and blood acquaintances disappeared -I got o tired o quick and spoken conversations were difficult to manage as short term memory was a serious poser. Notice, on line I could spend much more time checking my information and NOT repeating myself.

Of the 297 mental disorders described in the DSM, none can be objectively measured by empirical test. They’re completely subjective! Fact, they’re essentially making up diseases to fit the drugs -not the other way around. Mental illness symptoms within this manual are arbitrarily assigned by a subjective voting system by a psychiatric panel.

It is our addiction to video entertainment and relentless mental stimulation, which is destroying the Earth, our personal health, and our potential futures children.

The parents then have to go to court to try to get the kid back. They also have a separate smaller manual for diagnosing children ages ’03years’! That said, they are including a section about people who have a potential risk of getting a psych problem so the shrinks can give those patients a drug for prevention. In some cases, if the parents refuse to drug their child, the child is put into foster care and drugged there. Plenty of info can be found easily by going on the web. EMF is xic and addictive, and the results are repeatable and conclusive. The DSM V is supposed to be even worse than the previous versions. This if for real! Basically, eMF radiation acts as an excitotoxin in all competent human and mammalian studies completed thus far. That age group is now the latest group they are exploiting.


You comment has hurt me as Dyscalculia IS a real thing -I know from life long experience. It is we don’t take any medications or anything, it’s basically Dyslexia with numbers and there’s nothing we can do about it. Eventually, dyscalculia and I breathed a sigh of relief as I was put in uch with people identical to myself.

With education of an unaware public, there is a real problem that needs to be addressed, not with drugs of course. Text messages? Anyway, problem Much with the kids right now is lack of parental control aka lazy parenting. If her phone rings when she’s out with friends and its not answered in three rings its confiscated for a week. Although, if there are 87 text messages there had better be 87 text messages on her phone and she reads everyone Anything missing phone goes for two weeks, my friend checks her bill each month. Guess which friend ain’t having behavior problems with her kid? Just think for a moment. My friend ld her daughter I pay for this phone so it’s my phone and either live with my rules or hand it back. Get out, get dirty, play hard, interact with real people, live well and be successful in the real world. You should take it into account. I have another friend that keeps complete control over what goes on with her daughters technology. Ok, and now one of the most important parts. She is now approaching She must use her mothers Facebook page as she ain’t allowed her own this helps Mom know who’s up to what as well.

We can argue the science behind EMF measurements studies until we’re blueish in the face.

We can add shielding to our homes and businesses.

Notice that in the final analysis, we still need to quit producing electronic crack cocaine, and feeding it to our kids, we can foolishly introduce alternate technology to counter EMF effects. Off pic \phrasepastsimpleverbpastsimpleverbpastsimpleverbpastsimpleverbphrasephrasemainverbmainverbobvadjobvadjregnounregnounpluralpluralpronounpronounpronounbelongspronounbelongsmainverbmainverbpronounpronounverbverbobvadjobvadjregnounregnounmainverbmainverbobvadjobvadjmainverbmainverbobvadjobvadjphrasephrasemainverbmainverb Internet Use Disorder?

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