mental health articles Selanium is a chemical element and So it’s an essential micronutrient for all animals and any day as part of a snack. Selenium is found in nuts, cereals, meat, fish and eggs. Healthy eating is important and relativelyrelatively easy to do. Vegetarians must adopt a healthy eating plan that provides all the required nutrients. Discover how you can start a healthy eating plan and put that spring back in your step. Rothschild fortune is estimated to be as high as $ 200 trillion, not billion, while Morgan has a market cap of over $ 130 billion.

The largest budget by far is the USA at $ 44 trillion with $ 11 dot 2 trillion in debt, pocket change to the Rothschild family.

One source states that Rothschild is worth $ 500 trillion. Editor’s note. I’m quite sure, that’s more than the annual budgets of each nation on earth combined. EXERCISE, DIET MODIFICATION, BETTER SLEEP PATTERN AND EXPOSURE TO SUNLIGHT IN THE TREATMENT OF DEPRESSION AND AS A COMPLEMENT OF THE USUAL TREATMENT.

mental health articles Now this suspicion of interaction between sunlight and our neural health is in addition to the findings of leading research groups in affective disorders, similar to ‘GarcíaToro’ and Miquel Roca’s team at Son Llatzer Hospital in Palma de Mallorca, who in one trial Clinical study published in the April issue of the Journal of Affective Disorders presents the utility of a regimen of four simple hygienic recommendations.

With symptoms disappearing just after eight weeks, in one study, 87 depression percent patients who resolved their insomnia had major improvements to their depression.

Other research also found that sleep therapy resulted in remarkable improvements in depressed patients. On p of this, that is good. That’s interesting. The sun ain’t some evil thing but if we do have certain genetics it can cause loads of bad problems. Well, To be honest I see lots of people here that are not afraid of the sun. Furthermore, a lot of the porphyria genetics make it bad for people to be out in the sun but your diet can so, that’s since it still has some ultraviolet waves and these can aid in our processing of vitamin D to it’s active hormone.

mental health articles Light coming through the clouds in winter will make some ice glow blueish.

Being out in the sun ain’t good as well as constantly using sunscreen isn’t good.

We need the sun, even the winter sun. Remember, you can just eat more potatoes in winter, it has the active vitamin type D in it which is ready to go. Sounds familiar? I use a little bacon grease so add some butter in the end, butter has a chemical in it that is anticancer a lot of individuals struggle with that, K3 it contains can assist in utilization of the active vitamin Companion chemistry is necessary, margarine has K2 in it. Bacon grease has K3 in it as long as frying in a frying pan is sauteing and they do not form at lower heats. They form from asparagaines that are heated to high levels, you better don’t burn the sliced potatoes and add some onion for flavor you must be sensible. Any community can implement this and make a difference for themselves and others. For further information contact Jen Aliano, Project Manager, at [email protected]. Actually the sun sunlight are great, I make sure I get some everyday.but the heat is exhausting draining. Life is pleasant I take my vitamin D3 with cheese, usually Edam, Cottage or Raw Goat Cheese, I get Sulfur from the cheese and vitamin ‘K2Mk4’☺ supplement w vitamin K2MkMaybe the Saturated fat is keeping me warm, Know what, I have more energy in Fall, Winter Spring, Dry heat is easier than humidity, I prefer cooler weather and I’m out about. In accordance with Dr. And now here’s the question. Mercola never mentions using sunlamps?

mental health articles Seems like he will be selling them.

a regular procedure on those days was to get vitamin D from a sunlamp.

I agree. How come Dr. I can remember my brother and I and parents taking turns in front of a sunlamp any day. Ok, and now one of the most important parts. So that’s problematical because of latitude, weather, employment, and similar, and all that I grew up in Maryland where getting vitamin D from the sun in winter was all but impossible because of the cold, overcast sky, in school. You should take it into account. Mercola vitamin D is THE magic elixir of life and happiness, and especially when it comes from the sun. Whenever forming a powerful greenhouse gas and preparing the cosmic soup of the biogenesis, the particles of solar energy propitiated that the nitrogen combined with the oxygen.


At that time, Earth’s atmosphere was composed of 90 molecular nitrogen, as opposed to 78percentage today.

FROM THE ALCHEMY OF FIRE AND WATER LIFE WAS BORN. In this disease that usually occurs by outbreaks and incarnates the prototype of what we call demyelinating diseases, a IMMUNE REACTION from our own defense blood cells is produced against the covers of our own neurons. Oftentimes the neurological functions of the nervous system and / or sense organs should be diminished. Therefore this attack and the loss of the myelin that covers the nerve cells determines a slowing in the transmission of the information.

a bunch of spraying is going on around the planet.

It’s called geoengineering.

There’s an almost white paper out there called Owning the weather by 2025″ from the DOD. Do a search gonna be easy to find. As a result, manipulating weather can be very lucrative for certain groups of people. I have to wonder why a lot of people are so affected by lack of good quality light in winter while others seem to do just fine. In my opinion the gut factor is largely overlooked. At identical time increased gut inflammation which has also become another barrier to nutrient uptake, lots of people have ingested CRAAP foods and chemical substances that have altered the lining of their gut, Not only that. Liver function also becomes a significant poser with blocking metabolic pathways. I am sure there’re genetic and pigmentation differences. He explained that melatonin secretion is governed by a biological clock in the brain that is housed in the hypothalamus and is associated with seasonal rhythms and habits in sunlight.

With the duration of the night, the percentage of secretion of this hormone corresponds, therefore, so in the long nights of winter more melatonin is secreted. In studies conducted by Rosenthal over the last 20 years alterations in melatonin and serotonin been found in patients with seasonal affective disorder. Not necessarily maximum other pros of the sun, the interview seemed to suggest that the supplements will give you the calcium transport/absorption. Since I believe the work they are doing is SO important, I suspect she and her colleague gonna be under fire as long as their work and I wish them all top. Look, there’s also the poser -as Dr M discussed on his interview with Dr Seneff -that the vitamin D that the sun gives you is in a completely different form than the supplements give you, and that That’s a fact, it’s really the vitamin D that is sulphated that does a lot of the good works in relation to our immune systems.

Therefore a follow up on that interview my be really interesting as I find Dr Seneff’s research to be very interesting and I like the way she approaches the problems she investigates -she seems to go back to scratch with everything to look at it rather than piggybacking off things that others have discovered -much more scientific in my view in many ways as she seems to avoid assumptions.

Look, there’re to many people who are blind in one eye and can not see out of the other see the forest for the trees.

Savvy, they know how to memorize and manipulate data. They don’t have the brains God gave a carrot and I mean that literally. Even a carrot understands ‘self defense’ and survival. Sounds familiardoesn’t it? How do you think we will feel about that, if you do that even inadvertently.

OK now, go back to work, and send in the next employee.

You clearly understand that if you discuss vitamin D with regard to uv light you could cost this company 5 or 10 million dollars, right?

After what happened to Dr Mercola, I can clearly imagine in my mind that, all employees of tanning bed manufacturers were sat down and asked, do you see what happened to this guy? Until hereafter, I will be doing light therapy and continue to hope for top-notch. Therefore, I agree that the swamp could be drained and Dr Mercola gonna be put in charge of the FDA or should’ve been named Surgeon General and all of this FTC action will be reversed and his legal and actual costs be returned to him.

For those previous customers that require parts and service for their Mercola tanning bed, there is info I got as a response to that related question,.

MercolaModerator wrote on Tue, Apr 19 2016 03 PM Hello grulla, Thank you for your inquiry regarding where to purchase replacement bulbs/parts for your tanning unit.

LPI Inc. Needless to say, lPI can provide any parts you may require in the future. I imagine it in a paradise where the sun predominates hundreds of the year. Probably the Greek sage and anticipate that adequate exposure to sunlight is a healthy strategy to promote the happiness of human beings, when Diogenes humbly asked Alexander the Great that all he wanted from him was to turn away and let him sunbathe. Differences in suicide rates between the Nordic and Mediterranean countries, the use of light exposure to treat that said, this has made a very beneficial change for health.

The good doctor explained that even without direct sun and in fog there should be enough light to benefit my body.

My life came back in a few days and the cure was for free! As a result, I needed to get out into fresh air during lunch break and on the weekends, that said, this was an older, kind gentleman who ld me there was nothing wrong with me. My boss recommended to see his doctor. At that time work hours were from 30 to 12, and 14 to 18h. Day they would surely diagnose it’s about 40 years ago when my energy and physical strength was down in the basement in the winter, I was sad and desperate all along for no reason, could not concentrate at work and found no pleasure in anything.

Where are such doctors today? George Herbert Walker IV -member of the Bush family and current managing director at Neuberger Berman. Here’s just a partial list, and it makes you wonder if Goldman Sachs is controlling Wall Street or Washington?

Look at the record of where former Goldman executives have settled.

How do these things happen under the very nose of Congress and federal regulators?

More at link. Good Baron can keep his cyber wealth, and I will keep mine. Almond, I’m pretty sure I do not think 200 Trillion $ or 500 Trillion $, whatever, can substitute or Compensate for the rewards of Living on the Land and off the land. Satisfaction/rewards are not really similar, nor is there a comparison. I will take my memories with me when I go, that is infinitely more than the Baron will take of his Cyber wealth. It bothers me after 3 hours in our various church meetings on Sunday. Let me tell you something. We are 4000 ft altitude. I never see anyone mention chemtrails.. My chiropractor said the angle of the winter sunlight that we get here necessitates taking Vit.

In the buildings on BYU, and in our chapels and temples, florescent light is used, and not full spectrum lights.

The sun is surrounded by an aluminum haze and, at 75 age years, I never remember this particular strange sunlight, I’ve been watching these planes that spread them for four years now, and the sunlight is decreasing.

In my home, By the way I use full spectrum lights, that are close to sunlight. Sunlight is reduced from that. Fact, I live across the street from BYU. It’s surrounded but a blinding, whitish haze, Surely it’s no longer looking yellowish. Keeping your levels optimized can kinds of cancer types, including pancreatic, lung, ovarian, prostate and skin cancers. While as indicated by one ‘large scale’ study, optimal Vitamin D levels can slash your risk of cancer by as much as 60 percent. It my be interesting if professor Rosenthal who Guillermou mentions has included pigmentation in his studies as Almond suggested. Whenever feasting and stuff were more primal and in my opinion satisfying and resulted in loads of late September and early October births, the pre Christian pagan celebrations in the North that was incorporated into Xmas, trees, Yule logs.

Return of the sun that begins after Dec.

I now live in Ecuador and easily get adequate sun and swim in the ocean that provides ALL the minerals the body uses in the ionic form it uses.

Nature provides if you let it. I celebrate this time of year. My health is demonstrably better. Should I say celebrated. Plenty of info can be found easily by going online. This explains Dr. Mercola’s position on Sunlamps. Vitamin D being a key nutrient for supporting people with MS. Your comment seems to show a decent correlation for the lack of vitamin D from sunlight in countries in the Northern Hemisphere during winter, as opposed to countries near the equator and more sunlight. I have studied the chemical properties of food for almost eight years now, just for something to do.

I never thought it must be very much of a project, foods have multiple properties and it seems that when a completely new good thing is found people jump on it. All food has good and bad properties, you must evaluate these and in addition compare them to your ancestral eating habits to find if it’s good for you. There’s a state of hyperactivity in animals that scientists know as migratory restlessness and that Undoubtedly it’s similar to a need. Day it begins to become relevant, this theory was proposed in the 1940s. Consequently, other research has shown that these animals detect changes in the Earth’s magnetic field, aided by magnetite crystals. Now let me tell you something. It contains low levels of sodium and provides greater calcium and protein intake than cow cheeses.

Milk and goat’s cheese.

With rains at dusk so that the vegetation grows and the fields are fructiferous, Vam, Know what guys, I also prefer sunny weather and average humidity.

Goat cheese is an ideal source of probiotics, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin K2, riboflavin, potassium, phosphorus, iron, niacin and thiamine, as you say. Now this high nutritional intake makes goat cheese an ideal food to prevent osteoporosis, anemia, blood pressure and respiratory problems, as it generates fewer mucous membranes. Sunlight ain’t only the source of vitamin D3 but it can be complete replacement for any substance your body needs including the food. Take the opportunity whenever you can and expose yourselves to the sunlight and to the natural way of life as much as possible.

I’d say in case you look at it from quantum side of the things you will realize that all frequencies used to create our reality and the sacred geometry are encompassed in sunlight.

Nor is the value of the OM mantra or the Gregorian Chant.

By the way, the work of say, John of God or Dr. Personally, I’m glad I’m ahead of the curve in my thinking. Perhaps the emerging field of quantum biology will lead the way in understanding the ‘information’ contained in energy. Of course allopathic medicine doesn’t seek for people to get better. Basically, it all points to everything being energy and energy contains information. As a result, in his day, Einstein was roundly criticized from all sides for predicting that religion and science would eventually reach really similar end point. Perhaps therefore everyone will better similar metabolic action as it’s host source when separated by many miles. It works for me. Although, peace! I think sound therapy like music entrainment is little appreciated for it’s therapeutic value.

Therein lies the rube as long as quantum physics/quantum mechanics/quantum entanglement and morphic resonance theory does allow the possibilities that the aforementioned practitioners do have value beyond the ‘so called’ placebo effect.

How That’s a fact, it’s that a heart transplant recipient ends up with plenty of the characteristics of the donor that wasn’t exhibited by the recipient prior to receiving the donor heart.

This is the reason why sun screens are marketed. Eric Pearl or even Anthony William or those indigenous cultures that have shaman traditions do have connections to the ‘so called’ quantum field that allopathic medicine denies the value of understanding. As to if anyone else agrees is moot. In case you are going to spread this health movement to more communities, the project needs your involvement. With all that said… Simply purchase the D Action Measurement Kit and follow the registration instructions included, with the intention to participate.

You agree to test your vitamin D levels twice a year during a ‘fiveyear’ study, and share your health status to demonstrate the public health impact of this nutrient, as a participant.

You will get a follow up email every six months reminding you it’s time for your next test and health survey.

Many of us know that there is a $ 65 fee nearly any six months for your sponsorship of this research project, that includes a test kit to be used in the apartments, and electronic reports on your ongoing progress. Project will take these results in two years and march on the various institutions in the state/government/to the March of Dimes, to demand that action be taken to protect the world’s next generation. You should take it into account. I have a Sperti sunlamp I use and I also frequent Planet Fitness which, to my knowledge, is the least expensive way to get access to quality tanning beds.

I also have an infrared heater I sit in front of in the morning, that can drive photoelectric energy into the body right down to the frame.

Smokin Joe Mercola attracted attention being that he made very specific health claims about tanning beds, and I believe those claims.

Considering what happened to Smokin Joe Merc, Know what, I grock that. And therefore the fed did not like that, possibly as long as they though he was stealing thunder from the dermatologists that run the FDA. All these have photoelectric energies that can be ingested and used in the biochemistry. Yes, that’s right! They use the Ergoline brand of tanning beds and I talked to the engineer who is making them for the past 16 years about them. Other tanning bed manufacturers scrupulously avoid making health claims about tanning and it was like pulling teeth to get the engineer at ergoline to discuss vitamin It is as if they are placed into a capsule and all knowledge of the health parts of tanning are washed at high pressure with boiling benzine out of their brains before they sign their NDAs and are allowed to clock in with their company name tag smartly pinned to their lapel. Anyways, I do light therapy in addition to D3/kI take DHA and use phospo lipids for concocting liposomes. In accordance with him, aLL tanning beds emit, 95 percent uvA and 5 percent uvB, that, so according to this engineer, is the ratio we receive from the sun on the surface of the planet and all other manufacturers can not forget the importance of eating animal fat.


So this was much lower in the equatorial or southern areas compared to countries like Sweden or Great Britain.a couple of studies have reported that multiple SCLEROSIS IS VERY DIFFERENT DEPENDING ON THE LATITUDE of a country. With all that said… Very recent publication in the European Journal of Neurology signed by Bäämhielm reveals that exposure to sunlight is associated with a decreased risk of multiple sclerosis and establishes how solar ultraviolet light should be linked to the mechanism by which it should occur the illness. It has shown how by combining the science of measurement with the personal choice of taking action and, the value of education about individual measures that one can truly be in charge of their own health. GrassrootsHealth shows how you can take action day on known science with a consensus of experts without waiting for institutional lethargy. Dr.

This is the real reason why I am so excited about the D Action Project by GrassrootsHealth.

Robert Heaney is the research director of GrassrootsHealth and is part of the design of the D action Project as well as analysis of the research findings.

Is it any wonder thence that one of the things, they MUST raise funds for the party the tally is recorded on a bulletin board for all congressmen to see. We think we send some good people there and after that they become corrupt. I think they must put something in the water supply in congress. Until someone is motivated to get out of bed in the morning and produce something, govt can not collect taxes. Maybe they take the newbies down into a basement chamber and threaten them in some way shortly after they arrive. Although, what I do now is that I follow the advice to get out into the sun regularly when Undoubtedly it’s around, slowly building up a natural tan -as I only ever use coconut oil for some moderate protection.

I think this year was the first year when I really didn’t get much sign of it and I didn’t even supplement through winter. Not officially diagnosed, I have suffered previously from SAD. Despite I doubt if very a lot of them make the light connection, it’s not uncommon to hear those folks talk about how they always feel better once they get down here. Here in Baja Arizona we see mass migrations of folks from the northern tier of states into this region each winter -we call them snowbirds. I was floored!!!!! Went out the next day, was getting gas, and saw it for myself, I just wish chemtrails my be mentioned in articles about weather. And stuff I learned about it from two sites on FaceBook. Consequently had never seen anything like it before. In addition to reduced sunlight, so that’s causing the strange weather all over the country and world.

I also love the short dark days of winter, sunlight is definitely good for my health.

I love to watch storms and lightening, Then the power of nature and the changes in weather fascinate me. I do supplement with D3/K2 and it has changed my life for the better. I esp. Although, it’s also good to get outside in my garden, for fresh air, Therefore in case not quality light. Something else I do is use a full spectrum natural floodlight over my kitchen sink where I spend loads of time to give me lots of exposure while I work in winter. Often the experts are so ooo wrong.

It looks pretty much similar to the arrogance of the engineers who ld the people they should alter the course of the Mississippi River and there will never again be a flood.

I had to sit on p of a picnic table to keep for awhile being that the downpour was so heavy.

I came to understand that the experts do not know everything, after experiencing ature in her full glory. Actually I got out of the car and sat under a picnic shelter before the storm resumed, there was a break in the rain as the storm passed over. Actually I once got caught in a storm and had to pull off the road, when I lived in MT. Write Anyway, I have learned to become a critical thinker and not believe everything I am told. Then the lightening over the mountains was amidst the most dramatic things I have ever experienced. It is he was this gentleman and you could count on him being 100 wrong 100 of the time. Did you know that the boom was so loud that it must was close by. I regret losing a broker who made me plenty of money. When I was in college I loved to watch storms while sitting Indianstyle on the floor wrapped in a blanket in the ‘glassedin’ catwalk that connected dorms to the dining hall. Eventually, about that time, doctors had ld me I should die.

My actions were 180 degrees opposite his advice.

Kissinger is famous in China after brokering a historic meeting for President Richard Nixon and Mao Zedong in the early 1970s.

While meaning the Rothschild empire, just as the JP Morgan company survived by being a front for the Rothschild family, goldman probably owes its survival for any longer served as a front or partner with JP Morgan. Beware, now, I reckon the Rent is due on planet Earth. Experts aren’t sooo for ages for a while. Whenever dealing with multiple sclerosis, and the myelin sheet mostly, Just a FYI, in the past I have written a few comments on the mineral copper and the gray matter of the brain.

It seems that copper is a key nutrient protecting this area of the brain.

Its surface was more unstable and emanated giant eruptions of solar plasma and radiation.

While in accordance with Vladimir Airapetian, an expert on NASA’s solar physics, at the dawn of Earth, the energy of the Sun must have altered the composition of the molecules in the atmosphere to warm the planet and allow life to hatch. It is such explosions seem to was the crucial source for heating the Earth and conditioning it for the formation of life. These solar flares, scientists suggest, must also provide the energy for simple molecules to be transformed into MORE COMPLEX MOLECULES LIKE DNA AND RNA.

By the way, a growing body of evidence shows that vitamin D plays a crucial role in disease prevention and maintaining optimal health. In addition to vitamin D receptors located throughout your body, most of us know that there are about 30000 genes in your body, and vitamin D affects nearly 3000 of them. Neither ever used it, or needed both Morgan and Goldman got billions in bank bailout money from the last Administration, approved by Congress and approved by Senator Obama. A well-known fact that is. They secretly backed Obama well before he was a candidate for President and was getting dividends on their investment ever since. Now pay attention please. Whenever being in the forefront of nearly any major financial catastrophe in recent history and benefiting any time, if the Rothschilds are the puppet masters of the world, goldman is their star puppet. Now look. Obama gave billions to bail out AIG, and AIG turned around and paid off billions in debt owed to Morgan and Goldman, since becoming president. Then again, the project already has the blessing of the scientists, the physicians at the Medical University of South Carolina and even the insurance company.

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