In regards to our ability to create safe, healthy and vibrant communities, we all know that mental health problems take an enormous ll on the world’s population, not only regarding the health and economic costs. Meaningful employment positively impacts individuals in recovery from mental health and substance abuse by.
As indicated by, Harm reduction can be defined as any program or policy aimed at reducing harm about substance use without requiring that the substance use be stopped.
Program or policy might be aimed at the individual, family, community or society. Why not merely provide them with volunteer positions? Individuals over thirty struggling with recovery from mental health and substance abuse problems don’t just sit around and collect welfare and SSI checks. Nonetheless, whenever encouraging them to relapse and give up any hope of leading a normal life, These individuals also engage in everything from volunteer positions, internships to formal education with intention to return to work, unfortunately quite a few these individuals may engage in these back to work activities for years without being rewarded for their efforts;.