There are several kinds of mental illnesses. Some common ones are anxiety, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, depression, personality disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, phobias, and delusional parasitosis. However, there are several more mental illnesses that are classified as such. And each kind has their own treatment. But whatever treatment a person gets, it will still be based on the kind of mental disorder he/she is suffering from.
It is important for a person to know these kinds of mental illnesses and their treatment. This way, he/she will not treat his/her illnesses with drugs that are not fit for him/her and will be able to deal with his/her life in a better way. Also, knowing the symptoms of these disorders will give enough information about them to the sufferer so he/she will be able to recognise the symptoms faster and deal with them properly. Here is a list of some of the most common mental health disorders:
– Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD): this is a common mental disorder that is characterized by excessive worry, tension, and tension. A sufferer of GAD might even feel like having a panic attack every time something goes wrong. The severity of this disorder is unconditionally high.
– Bipolar disorder (BD): this is another condition that is characterized by mood swings. Someone who is diagnosed with bipolar disorder usually experiences extreme emotional highs (mania), but very frequently, also experience very frequent sadness and lows (depression). Symptoms of bipolar disorder usually differ from one person to another, sometimes they are very similar. Some people who have BDD (Borderline Personality Disorder) are known to have manic episodes that are very similar to mania.
– Social phobia: this is yet another anxiety disorder that many people do not know about. They suffer from being terrified of being embarrassed or humiliated in front of other people. A sufferer of social phobia has a very severe fear of social situations. People who are in this kind of disorder are usually unable to make friends easily. This is a chronic anxiety disorder that is also accompanied by other mental health problems like panic attacks. This disorder is usually diagnosed in adolescence or young adulthood.
– Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): this is a condition that many people suffer from. A person with OCD keeps thinking that they are guilty for things that they have done. They find it extremely hard to stop doing it. This is also classified as a long term obsessive compulsive disorder. People who are in this disorder often have olfactory and skin compulsions as well.
– Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): this is a mental disorder caused by experiences of physical, emotional or sexual trauma. PTSD can be caused by a sudden shooting, violent attacks, an accident or abuse. It is important to note that this disorder can also come from an ongoing cycle of stress and trauma that lead to further trauma and so on. There are many researchers who are looking into the link between PTSD and depression. If you believe that you may be suffering from PTSD then it is important to visit your doctor so that he or she can run some tests on you to confirm if you are suffering from this mental disorder or not.
These are just a few of the mental disorders that you might suffer from. It is important to understand that these are just a few of the various types of mental disorder out there. The most important thing that you need to remember is that you are never alone when you are dealing with a mental disorder. In fact, there are countless people out there who need your help and support. If you or someone you know may be suffering from any form of anxiety disorder or other mental disorders then you need to get help now.