What is the best treatment for Menthol Illness? People with this illness have an abnormal reaction to menthol, a volatile organic compound that produces instant relief from throat and nasal symptoms. Menthol is made from the flower of the plant family lilies. It is found in everything from mouthwash to toothpaste. It has been used successfully for more than two hundred years in treating ailments such as asthma and nausea.

The menthol in the treatment is used to desensitize the tissues surrounding the nose and throat. This creates a sensation of coolness in these areas. When this occurs the person may experience brief relief from the symptoms. Unfortunately, the effect is short-lived and the infection returns quickly. A person suffering from chronic menthol allergy will need to seek other means to deal with the pain.

Dealing with the symptoms properly and long term can be difficult. Many people experience symptoms such as runny nose, coughing, sneezing, itchy eyes, blocked noses and sinus trouble. Sometimes the throat will feel swollen and sore and there are even more rare symptoms such as a burning sensation and/or itching and a heavy, chronic cough.

When the cold sore pops up, you want it to go away right away. The problem is that most people with this condition don’t know how to treat a cold sore infection properly. That’s why there are so many over-the-counter treatments on the market. They just mask the symptoms until the real infection is treated. Some of these over-the-counter drugs include xylene, nystatin, amphotericin B and ipratropium.

In more severe cases there are additional steps that should be taken. Antibiotics such as cephalexin, azelaic acid, prednisone, and pentoxifylline are sometimes used to treat the infection. These medications can cause serious side effects and can make the symptoms of menthol allergy worse. Some patients have even had their lung capacity increased after taking antibiotics. This can be life threatening.

If these first-line treatments aren’t effective then another treatment option would be a trip to the doctor’s office. Antibiotics are only prescribed for infections that aren’t responding to the over-the-counter remedies or that are severely out of control. If your infection is severe or is near chronic proportions surgery may be used. Research has also shown that menthol may be useful in treating symptoms associated with certain types of cancers and possibly even Alzheimer’s disease. This is still being studied at this time.

The most promising discovery to come out of the study of menthol has been the use of menthol oil. A product called Menthol Massage Oil has been released by a company based in California. It has been shown to significantly reduce the symptoms associated with menthol allergy. This oil has been shown to work in a number of patients. However, since it is not well absorbed by the skin it has not been widely used to treat facial symptoms.

As of right now there are no known side effects to using menthol therapy. It does however need to be considered that some of these same symptoms may be experienced by those who are allergic to menthol. If you think you may have a reaction to menthol oil or any part of the Menthol Illness therapy program, contact your health care provider immediately. They will be able to help you determine if there is a real problem and if treatment is necessary.

You may also want to consult with your dermatologist if you have any concerns about the product. He or she may be able to tell you if it is a suitable treatment for your condition. People with severe reactions to menthol may want to avoid it. They may also recommend that you try another product without menthol.

For some people the reduction of symptoms only lasts for a few hours. However, others experience continual relief from the symptoms. Since it only lasts a few hours, you may only need to use the product for an hour or so each day. Using Menthol Illness Therapy regularly may also be helpful in preventing future occurrences of these symptoms.

Since there has only been little research done on the short term effects of Menthol Therapy it is hard to say how it will affect you. If you have had problems with allergies in the past, you may want to avoid using this therapy. Also, if you have a history of skin disorders, such as acne or rosacea you should avoid using it. It is also important to take any medication on time and not miss doses. This will help prevent any complications and side effects.

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